And Now a New Deck
Well, I haven’t been able to find a field hockey league locally, which bums me out a bit. Every so often I get an itch to play and look for people who play, and haven’t been able to find anyone yet. It is a dying sport, and a lot of high schools are dumping their field hockey teams in favor of girls soccer. Maybe I could find a high school or college team that I could coach a goalie or two for.
That would be awesome! To teach a young girl how to make a 50-yard kick, how to growl and snarl at the other team’s offensive line when they are coming at her, how to get enough confidence and position herself way out of the goal cage to narrow the angle for the shot. Maybe I’ll look into it.
But instead of looking for a field hockey team this weekend, we built a deck on the side of the house. Looky looky! I have MacGuyver for a husband, and am a very lucky girl. We put some big potted plants behind on the ground behind the bench. It looks not at all like people who don't give a crap about gardening live there now.

Now, off to look for a volunteer coaching position.
That would be awesome! To teach a young girl how to make a 50-yard kick, how to growl and snarl at the other team’s offensive line when they are coming at her, how to get enough confidence and position herself way out of the goal cage to narrow the angle for the shot. Maybe I’ll look into it.
But instead of looking for a field hockey team this weekend, we built a deck on the side of the house. Looky looky! I have MacGuyver for a husband, and am a very lucky girl. We put some big potted plants behind on the ground behind the bench. It looks not at all like people who don't give a crap about gardening live there now.

Now, off to look for a volunteer coaching position.
Labels: the ordinary
Hey! Neat deck! Look at the pretty puppy. Oh and the girl in the picture is hot too...HA HA HA
Awww shucks, Augs. I am blushing. LOL
Great job, guys! :)
Sa-weet! Can I borrow the Amazing T to work on my bathroom?
And what on earth does Griff have in his mouth? LOL!
Sue, you can have the Amazing T after we finish our boat, fix up the house, fix our driveway, and and and...
Griffen has a toy in his mouth. It's a stuffed cylinder thing with a squeaker in it. There used to be a rope and a tennis ball attached to it, but who knows what happened to that. He was so cute, we had the door open, and he went inside to find this toy then brought it to me so I could throw it for him to fetch.
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