Monday, May 14, 2007

CT River Canoe Trip Part 3

Morning at my in-laws house in Rutland found Todd poring over the yellow pages. We drove to the outdoor outfitting store in town and didn't find a canoe big enough for all our gear and 2 dogs. We did, however, find life jackets.

We went back to the house and back to the yellow pages. Todd called a store in Burlington, VT that had 17’ canoes. Burlington is a 2 hour drive from Rutland, so back into the Cherokee.

We picked out a red canoe, and tied it to the roof of the car. We stopped by the local West Marine and got some stick on letters, and pin stripe stuff. All the way back to Rutland we debated on what to name this canoe. As you know, our sailboat is named Sabine, and that took ages to come up with.

Todd and I are boat name snobs. We often ride our dinghy through anchorages and mooring fields and laugh at the dumb things that people name boats. I wonder how many people think they are being original when they name their boat things like “Wet Spot” or “Aquaholic.” I hate it when you can obviously tell that an accountant bought a boat, because they always call it something like “Liquid Asset” or “Cash Withdrawal.” Gah!

We decided that if we gave our sailboat a classic name like “Sabine” then we should give the canoe a cheesy name. I came up with “Gravy” because the canoe is the “Gravy Boat.” Gah! I’ve become one of them.

The windshield wipers swished the rain off of the windshield, as we wondered if it would rain for our canoe trip, that we planned on starting the next day. We got back to Rutland, packed up the Cherokee, and got to sleep early for our big adventure in the morning.

To be continued

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Blogger *~*Cece*~* said...

We love walking around the Long Beach marina & laughing at all the funky named boats. lol

May 14, 2007 at 12:08 PM  

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