Todd's Been Taking Some Great Pictures Lately
We just bought a new fangled, high faluttin', digital camera. This new camera just might bring me into the new millennium, and to stop using film.
The new camera is a Canon, and is basically the same model as my film camera, and all the lenses and accessories that Todd has been steadily buying for me for various Christmases, birthdays, anniversaries, Groundhog's Days, etc. fit on the body of this camera.
He's been out playing with the new camera a lot lately. Here are some of his best pics so far. Todd has such a great eye when it comes to taking pictures, we had a hard time deciding which ones we liked the best. Enjoy!

The first time I saw this picture, I didn't see the female duck. I guess her plumage is doing a good job.

Coming in for a landing!

I love the blue sky in these pictures. Perfect! We had these printed and we have framed them and hung them in our house. Beautiful!

Seagull chasing her shadow. I think he took this one at Easton's Beach, in Newport, RI.

Doesn't it make you want to jump in?

This gull is walking toward the water as if all the other seagulls dared her to. "I double dog dare you to jump in the water!"

Isn't he a pretty bird? I think he took this in front of our house. We have a LOT of ducks, geese and swans living in Apponaug Cove, by our house.

This particular picture is really cool. If you look very closely, you can see the reflection of the sky, and of Todd's car in the eye of the goose.

Another one of our ducky friends.
Stay tuned for more pictures from us soon!